Oh, dear.
complain again and again you, dear, that European neo-liberals and rights feigning and panting of the discourse on the rights of Muslim women adopt in the West. Recently, the example of Holland.
We know from history, dear, that this is a good tactic in politics:
to seize neglected or entirely taboo topics under the nail and populist to kill off.
'm sure it's the new European right.
But .. . how can this happen, dear, that the dignity of Islamic women in Europe is a neglected or even a taboo topic?
me, my time, is not doing something like that I feel triumph or malice, when frightened, cowering women with and without head scarves scurry past me. Listless or look-hating, hatred - against me, who apparently privileged, which is by its mere existence is a humiliation of these women.
I may as infidels "outrageous" a lot, and none from me staft.
(? Not really but that is another story ...)
These recurring meetings degrade me and it creeps me a vague fear - - and these women around me.
It is a public humiliation of my race provided led by a different culture, but which is not far away, but here.
across Herrschaftsstrulturen Their culture is not can mean good things for me as a woman - dear.
The expectation that men, who have created this power structure - and obviously take advantage of it - this voluntarily resign, because in such a beautiful Living Democracy sounds naive. Therefore, this expectation is not very explicit request. They nebulous lurches through decrees, opinions, Empörungsgesten ... Time columns ..
How else is the criminalization of women who have to explain the face veil?
So, as if the women have a choice to rebel against their husbands in this matter and its surroundings.
There is as yet no public discourse that addresses this issue even remotely differentiated. Also you not, dear.
And the clever, nasty rights, uses the simple from such tinkering this results in a xeno-lobe and skin on it.
This tactic of the right turn is a very, very great, timeless, frowning on topic. By now a classic.
take Why do you love that time away not just the infamous club? No time?
Oh dear.
Heidi says 2.0: Soft Bock is now being made the goat for the teacher.
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